OEADS Pakistan has certain Ad posting rules/policies, which needs to be followed:                          
Counterfeit / Replica Products: Counterfeit or replica goods/ items are not permitted at OEADS. This is because they infringe the intellectual property rights of brand owners and can also harm buyers. Brand owners routinely request that we remove listings of counterfeit goods. However, please know that we do not have the means to determine if the products are genuine or fake and hence; we only act upon the reports with sufficient information & from the recognized brands whose rights we can verify. Hence; one aspect of our policy is to block listings that are obvious counterfeits – for example, when sellers state this explicitly in the Ad.

At OEADS we’re always striving harder to implement ways to build an even safer and trusted OEADS community for all of our users and; hence, we keep on deploying efficient measures to put any deceptive or counterfeits listings off of our platform in line with OEADS policy.
We fairly consider this a win-win for buyers & sellers both.
For more details, please visit Which items are not allowed on OEADS?.

Duplicate Ad listings: Any ad posted more than once with the same content or Title in the same city and category would be considered as a Duplicate Ad.   Spamming is Forbidden as posting similar Ads indiscriminately in Bulk is not allowed.  

 Inappropriate Content:Do not use Irrelevant/gibberish/vague Titles or DescriptionSpecial character(s) and Tags is banned. Links to other Websites, Social Media and/or email addresses are not allowed.Only Verified Phone number can be mentioned. Non-registered numbers are not allowed in title, description or in image.        

Inappropriate Picture: Do not include obscene, fake or human images. Kindly note, an account can also be blocked depending upon the severity of the case. Stock/Internet Images: Ads having fake, generic and competitor images are not permitted. We advise you to post real images of the item for sale.

Prohibited Items: Sexually oriented material: Ads relating to products intended for use in sexual activity are not permitted.

Also, refrain from using a title with graphic adult language, regardless of the item.

Online Jobs: Such Ads should have a proper job description with roles and tasks defined. Ads without proper Job summaries are not allowed.

Local posting: All offerings to be in Pakistan. Ads posted using foreign IP(s) or containing foreign number(s) are not permitted. Importantly, an account should only correspond to one phone number. Multiple phone numbers are strictly prohibited. Competitor Ads are not allowed.Misleading Item/Service: Misrepresentation of Ad offer/content is not permitted.

Multiple Products: Selling multiple items or service is not allowed in an Ad. Please post a new Ad for every item/service with proper Title, good Description, appropriate Price & clear Pictures.Individual Financing: Financing is not allowed unless represented by a Reputable / Registered Financial Institution or Organization.Change of Product: Changing Item or Service after posting an Ad is not allowed. Please post a new Ad.Purchase Ads: Posting Ads for purchase purposes is not allowed.

Seeking Ads: Seeking is allowed only in the Jobs category.     Addition of new Product: After posting an Ad, it is not allowed to add new Item or Service. Kindly post a new Ad with proper Title, good Description, appropriate Price & clear pictures.

Advance payment: OEADS strives very hard to maintain a safe and secure community.

Any kind of advance payment is prohibited.

Wildlife: OEADS allows only those Animals which are in accordance to the Provincial Wildlife Regulations.              

Relevant Category: Kindly post Ads in respective category of the item or service being sold.

Multiple Accounts: OEADS does not allow multiple accounts to be created on one single phone number. You can only create one account on one phone number. If you try to create a new account, it will not get through and new account creation will be restricted.

Ad duration: An Ad posted on OEADS stays active for 30 days, if it complies with our Terms of Use. User is not allowed to post the same ad upon deletion until 30 days after the date of posting.

Free Ad Limit: OEADS is committed to expand its User’s experience and to further make our platform a healthier place for Buyer & Seller interaction. Free Ads posting limit is being applied from 15th Jan. For details please visit Link.

International Number Usage: Kindly do not post Ads with the international number in the description or title, since the Ad could be rejected or account could be banned.

Important: All items or Service being sold should be legal and allowed as per Government of Pakistan.

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